NOC Innovation Centre – Vision

Accelerates exploitation of UK investment in autonomous technology through collaborative solutions to solve the key challenges in the ocean economy.

NOC Innovation Centre – Values

The NOC Innovation Centre will build a community of technology developers and end-users from across industry and academia, to enable sustainable and economic operations in the ocean. Through collaborative programmes targeted at joint industry and scientific challenges, the centre will develop, demonstrate and facilitate early adoption of novel technologies through knowledge transfer. The Centre will coordinate end-users, regulators, funders and other stakeholders to provide a focus for marine autonomous system development in the UK and wider international community.

NOC Innovation Centre – Benefits

Access to an engaged NOC scientific end-user community for the early adoption of novel marine technology developments 
Opportunities to align industry and NOC technology roadmaps with funded research to advance developments 
Increased visibility with end-users of marine technology, from the science, industrial and defence communities 
Opportunities to collaborate with developers to provide a complete marine autonomous systems solution for real world challenges that satisfy NOC science and wider industrial needs 
Access to world-leading industrial, scientific and technological expertise 
Access to cutting-edge facilities and equipment 
Opportunities for end-users from the science, industrial and defence communities to shape technology development towards their challenge areas